School for Arts Infused Learning (S.A.I.L.)

  • Location | Evans, GA
  • Owner | School for Arts Infused Learning

CROFT provided master planning and full architectural and engineering design for this 38,205 SF facility inspired architecturally…

CROFT provided master planning and full architectural and engineering design for this 38,205 SF facility inspired architecturally by the northern California art colony movement of the mid-20th Century. The school is part of a 55-acre multi-phased, master-planned development that will connect to a 20-mile greenway trail, local neighborhoods, passive amenities, and an adjacent sports park. The School for Art Infused Learning (SAIL) is a public charter elementary and middle school led by an experienced non-profit board of educational, performing arts, and community leaders. Committed to providing an innovative, rigorous education that blends academic challenge with world-class instruction in the arts. CROFT’s design was focused on supporting SAIL’s mission of fostering creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communications, community, and excellence in the fine arts.

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